Saturday, July 17, 2010


haha.i'm planning not to include these pictures anymore'cause we really looked exhausted but never mind.:P
Tired.I've been awake for 12 hours (seriously) in the Taize prayer.This is a form of prayer done from 6 p.m. up to 6 a.m. with of course different activities. I was part of the Campus Ministry wherein I helped in doing different stuff like making name tags,standing most of the time holding the silence sign, even danced.hahaha.=) and many more. This Taize was started of course by a prayer followed by a getting to know each other game and the Vespers.After that, we took dinner which I was looking forward since the start.haha.We watched a short documentary about hunger in the Philippines and there was a talk. The students where then asked to go out with their groups for a short sharing wherein I was one of those who held one the signs of the different groups.I wasn't the only one sleepy but most where already tired as the night goes by.There was then another talk from a priest followed by confessions.We where then asked again to go out and again raise our cartolinas for the groups to know where they should go.I admit that was tiring but sure that was fine.haha.We then went inside wherein we are all so tired and that led to sleeping.zzzzz.(",(",) hahaha.Good that we have woke up before the mass could start or else we were seen with cartolinas in our face in the middle of the mass.waaat! XD. What made me awake was the brownout in the middle of singing Our Father wherein I was able to see the sun rise and realize that it was already morning and enter the fact in my mind that I was able to survive not sleeping the whole night not only with fun memories but lot`s of lessons in life to take home.;))

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